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Sunday, 15 June 2008

funding position, and efficiently facilitate the funding system. Funding depends on your work ethic.

Important helpful tips to make you’re fund raising endeavors easier

Tip 1. After you have purchased the fundraising system, learn and review the system’s funding concept's unique setup, layout, and designed steps to facilitate your social interactive funding.

Tip 2. You already conveniently have your organized Social Spark community of friends as the base for your social funding network. Your community is an excellent target market for viral marketing. Use your viral marketing skills.

Tip 3. You can select and partner with those friends in your community, who like you are in search of funding. 50 fund raisers/pursuers is the ideal number in your community Network. Everyone's goal is to move through all the phases of ownership to raise money based on how their networks are progressing up the funding levels. This is not an MLM. All are one-on-one transactions. You do not receive credit for anyone else's transactions

Tip 4. You can interact and prepare your funding strategies using the online viral marketing techniques allowed by Social Spark, with anyone in your funding community to maximize your

Tip 5. Your Social Spark community of friends in search of funds is netted to all the other Social Spark community of friends in search of funds. It is the geometric progression and exponential growth of all the extended network of communities that provides the financial leverage and financial strength for your funding expectations.

Tip 6. Join Social Spark and your own Social Spark community of friends to grow by promoting, recommending, and telling friends and associates to signup and register for a Social Spark account. Thank good karma for Social Spark.

Tip 7. Please, as a pertinent reminder implement these tips in serious consideration, and in strict compliance with the Social Spark’s Code of Ethics and Messaging Policy

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